Set thirty years after the original film, "Blade Runner 2049"'s story depicts a replicant blade runner named K, who discovers the remains of a once-pregnant replicant. To prevent a possible war between species, K is secretly tasked with finding the child and destroying all evidence related to it, leading him to discover that the child bears a connection to missing blade runner Deckard. The movie was released in the United States on October 6, 2017, in 2D, 3D and IMAX. The film received acclaim from critics, with some regarding it as one of the best sequels ever made
E' uscito questo weekend nella maggior parte del mondo il sequel di "Blade Runner" diretto da Denis Villeneuve con recensioni entusiaste e e l'esordio in cima al botteghino di moltissimi paesi, tra cui America, Regno Unito, Australia e Italia
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Film 1438 - Blade Runner 2049
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